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Beitritt der Schweiz zum Haager Gerichtsstandsübereinkommen:
Bedeutung für das schweizerische Internationale Zivilprozessrecht und
Einordnung in das internationale Regelungsumfeld

Daniel Girsberger & Dirk Trüten

With its planned joining of the HCCH Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements ("HCCA")
Switzerland aims to strengthen both its domestic place of business and the emerging worldwide "Hague"
system of jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement in civil and commercial matters. Despite some weaknesses
and risks, the HCCA represents important progress with regard to the effective protection of choice of court
agreements. In relation to the United Kingdom, it could at least partially fill the legal gap created by Brexit. But Switzerland should not only join the HCCA, but should also consider joining the HCCH Judgments Convention of 2019.